Galvanized steel vs stainless steel

Stainless steel is far more expensive than galvanized steel, which is ideal for projects that require a lot of steel materials if they do not move or . Galvanized steel is regular steel sheets that have been coated in zinc to make them corrosion resistant. Basic question: For outdoor applications, do I need stainless steel wire rope, or will galvanize vinyl coated be sufficient?

I read somewhere that when SS is not exposed to air, ie- painte or surrounded by woo like a drift bolt etc, it will rust faster than galvanized . The use of galvanized or stainless steel avoids the rust problems associated with normal steel products. To make galvanized steel components, manufacturers . Though both are undeniably strong and durable, galvanized steel and stainless steel each have vulnerabilities that make one or the other a more suitable .

On the other han making the Galvanized steel is a quite different procedure because. The major quality of the Stainless steel is to never corrode or rust and . Though both materials are steel, galvanized steel and stainless steel are very. However, when austenitic stainless steels (300.

Series) are in contact with zinc, neither material will suffer additional corrosion, or at the most, only.